<b> Mikhailovsky Theatre at the Hermitage</b>
Mikhailovsky Theatre at the Hermitage

Chamber Music of Romanticism

vocal concert

for viewers over 6 years old
The concert will take place in the Large Italian Skylight Room of the State Hermitage Museum

The programme features:

Franz Schubert’s Octet for clarinet, horn, two violins, viola, cello, and double bass

Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s romances “To bylo ranneyu vesnoy…” (“That Was in Early Spring…”), “Gornimi tiho letela dusha nebesami…” (“A Soul Floated Gently up to Heaven…”), “Zabyt' tak skoro…” (“To Forget so Soon…”), “Serenada” (“Serenade”), “Skazhi, o chem v teni vetvej…” (“Tell Me, What in the Shade of the Branches…”), and “Nochi bezumnye” (“Wild Nights”)

The romances by Pyotr Tchaikovsky are performed by Svetlana Monchak to the accompaniment of a string octet

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