Rishat Yulbarisov

Graduated from the Bashkir Ballet School named after Rudolf Nureyev in 2006 and the same year joined the St Petersburg Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre. In 2008, he joined the Mikhailovsky Ballet Company, where he performed the roles of Carabosse (The Sleeping Beauty, chor. by Nacho Duato), The Mouse King, Spanish Dance (The Nutcracker, chor. by Nikolay Boyarchikov), Paris, Friar Laurence (Romeo and Juliet, chor. by Oleg Vinogradov), Lord Capulet (Romeo and Juliet, chor. by Nacho Duato), and roles in productions by Nacho Duato Nunc Dimittis, Prelude, Multiplicity. Forms of Silence and Emptiness, Na Floresta. In 2014, he joined the Berlin Opera Ballet Company.

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